Fucus (rock tripe)
Fucus antheridia in antheridial conceptacle
Fucus antheridia with sperm
Fucus oogonial conceptacle with oogonia and eggs
Fucus oogonium with exactliy four eggs
Fucus conceptacle witih antheridia and oogonia
Sargassum with stipe, fronds, and air bladders
Laminaria with holdfast, stipe, and single frond
Nereosystis with holdfast, stipe, single air bladder and two fronds
Postelsia with stout holdfast and stipe, and many fronds
Batrachospermum, a red alga of cold fresh waters
two types of Corallina (red algae)
Porphyra, a marine red alga
some commercial products with algal additives

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