Saccharomyces budding detail
Schizosaccharomyces with asci
Schizosaccharomyces with asci
yeast ascus closeup
powdery mildew on lilac
powdery mildew on lilac closeup
powdery mildew on willow
powdery mildew on willow closeup
powdery mildew ascocarp
powdery mildew ascocarps
powdery mildew ascocarp
powdery mildew ascocarp closeup
powdery mildew ascocarp splitting
powdery mildew ascocarp and four-spore ascus
apple scab on apple leaf
apple scab on apples
Peziza apothecium
Peziza apothecium
asci and ascospores in Peziza ascocarp section (no 8-spore ascus in view)
asci in Peziza
Sordaria culture
Sordaria culture closeup
Sordaria apothecium and asci
hybrid Sordaria ascus
hybrid Sordaria ascus
hybrid Sordaria ascus
dried morel
black knot of cherry
black knot of cherry
black knot of cherry, old specimen
brown rot of stone fruits on cherry
brown rot of stone fruit on dried cherries

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