wheat rust aecia on barberry, Riker mount
wheat rust aecia and aeciospores
wheat rust uredium on wheat stem
wheat rust uredium on wheat stem closeup
wheat rust uredium on wheat stem
barberry leaf cross section with wheat rust spermatia below and receptive hyphae above
cedar apple rust telia on red cedar
cedar apple rust telia closeup
white pine blister rust on gooseberry
white pine blister rust on white pine
corn smut
corn smut
Amanita in nature
Amanita in nature
Amanita fruiting body development
Amanita fruiting body
Coprinus connatus
Coprinus gill section showing basidia and basidiospores
Coprinus basidium closeup
boletus in nature
pore fungus fruiting body closeup
underside of pore fungus fruiting body
underside of pore fungus fruting body
pore fungus fruiting body cross section
basidium and basidiospores in pore fungus fruiting body cross section
giant puffball (on four inch dish)
hard puffballs in nature
stinkhorn with fly (and maybe wasp)
earth stars in nature

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red rust stage on wheat stem
wheat rust telium on wheat stem
wheat rust telium on wheat stem closeup
cedar apple rust on apple leaf, Riker mount
cedar apple rust aecia closeup
cedar apple rust on apple

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