Rhizopus culture with sporangia on perimeter
Rhizopus culture closeup showing sporangia
Rhizopus culture sporangia closeup
Rhizopus hyphae and sporangia
Rhizopus hyphae and sporangia
Rhizopus sporangia stained for columnella and spores
Rhizopus sporangium closeup showing columnella and spores
Rhizopus sporangium, columnella and spores
Rhizopus conjugation, early
Rhizopus conjugation, zygospore beginning to expand
Rhizopus zygospore with adjacent hyphae
Rhizopus zygospores and hyphae
Phycomyces culture
Phycomyces zygospores
Phycomyces zygospores
Phycomyces zygospores closeup
Pilobolus sporangia
Pilobolus sporangium closeup
Entomophthora sporangiophores
Entomophthora sporangiophores
Entomophthora sporangiophore closeup

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